Vive le confiseur

Context : internship
Year : 2015
Powered by : LMDC-Lardet-Barlerin

In order to conclude in style my last year of bachelor, I did a four-month internship within the confectionery company LMDC-Lardet-Barlerin. In this small company specialized in the manufacture, packaging and distribution of sweet creations, I was assisting the CEO for some communication tasks.

The main mission for which I was hired was the creation of a new branch within the company, which already had two. Indeed, in a logic of diversification, the company needed a third identity intended for ceremonies like weddings, engagements and other celebrations ...

So I took over the graphic design of LMDC and imagined “Vive le Confiseur”. The creative work was limited but it was an excellent training for my entry into the professional world. In addition, I also held a role of Community Manager and I assumed various tasks of logistics.