
Context : Freelance project
Year : 2019 - 2020
Client : Chop-Chop Asian Bistrot

The notion of "extremely short deadlines" is sometimes floating and can be understood differently depending on the time and the place. But in that case, there was no room for hesitation : the clients needed a logo for their future restaurant, and they needed it before the opening, by the end of december 2019.

Once that the constraints were placed, I could quietly start working and achieve the impossible : deliver a logo and a full creative direction in less than three weeks.

During these intense weeks, I explored different ideas leading me from Paris to Japan (the main cuisine present in this Fusion restaurant) and I ended up delivering a first prototype that respected the two keywords that they gave me : basic and neutral. At that point, we decided to erase every "Japan-friendly" aspects of the logo to simplify as much as possible the concept. And a week later, the final product was fixed over the door.