E-sport teams

Context : Freelance projects
Year : 2014 - 2016
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My first personal works on Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator were sports team logos. I developed my skills by redesigning my favorite logos and picturing new teams. So in 2014, I created a logo for an online Football Manager team that I was sharing with friends.

Since then, I have never stopped creating logos occasionally for teams or events related to video games or sports.

Among the most outstanding, those for the calcietto team of Piraino, and the one for the Warriors Ferrara roller-hockey (both in Italy) remain my most accomplished creations. In both cases, I took the already existing colors and I integrated symbols related to the city or the region. Graphic choices that give, in my opinion, a strong and very unifying visual identity.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any project or if you want to discuss about sport visual identity, I'm always open for new projects !