
Context : Internship
Year : 2018
Powered by : Lobjoy-Bouvier-Boisseau architecture

At the end of my first year of Master's degree in Digital Humanities specialized in Digital Issues and Technologies (NET), I completed a 6-month internship at the Paris based Lobjoy-Bouvier-Boisseau architecture agency. For their part, I held the position of communication assistant by supporting the manager. This position led me to deal with various projects from graphic design to internal communication.

My main project was the complete management of the redesign of the agency's website. In this context, I had to manage the different actors involved in the process (developers, graphic designers, press agency ...) to make them collaborate and follow the guidelines of the company. In addition, I was also asked to do museography, HR, video, digital communication, community management...

Among my creations, you can also discover some graphic pieces that I made for the web, as well as a series of pictograms that I imagined and designed for official documents and communication.