
Context : Final master degree project
Year : 2018 - 2019
Powered by : Paris 8 Mathematics, Computer Sciences & Technology department / Observatoire Français du numérique

Désinfox is a project sponsored by the French Digital Observatory, which aims to propose solutions to the fake news problem. Developed throughout the year by my team and myself, we presented our results as part of the 2019 Cross-Media Days organized by the IDEFI CréaTIC laboratory of Excellence.

For the occasion, we created a NFC-based board game assisted by an app. Players are competing for power in a fictional election. To gain popularity, everyone draws "NEWS" cards that must be broadcasted in the media. Some of these news are false and players should try to find out which ones. The goal is to sensitize participants to existing tools to ensure the veracity of an information.

Within the team, roles were defined according to the three profiles of our Master's degree program: Graphic Designer, Developer and Editorial. For my part, I inherited the role of project manager and I was implicated in every aspect of the design.