Motion-design personal CV

Context : Professional applications
Year : 2017
Powered by : @raphrocher

As a great amateur of self-learning, I have always considered it important to set concrete goals for progress in a new skill. So, when I started learning video editing tools (mainly Adobe Premiere and After Effect), I started designing my personal résumé in motion design.

For that, I started by creating myself an alter-ego in illustration on Photoshop and Illustrator, that I made evolve on a neutral background. In this way, I was able to discover some of the basic functions of AE and Premiere, while making sure to have a key tool for my future job searches.

Two years later, I progressed well on the technical level, especially on After Effect since I took advanced courses as part of my master (the self-learning has its limits!); but the video is still relevant and I invite you to watch the result on Youtube : My animated CV in 3 minutes.

Rumors also say that a new version might be in preparation, wait and see …