
Context : Master degree project
Year : 2017
Powered by : Gustave Moreau National Museum

To conclude my first year of Master in Digital Humanities I developed a mobile application highlighting my personal qualities and taking into account a few concepts learned throughout the year. This concrete work was accompanied by a research work was added to the writing of a summary thesis.

For my part, I was interested by the world of art and I chose the following problematic: “Does the presence of a digital intermediary between an art-piece and the visitor change his aesthetic sensitivity?”.

Technically speaking, I created and developed a mobile application that offered a small game to visitors by letting them choose between a picture of an artwork displayed on their screen and the real one they had in front of them. I implemented and deployed this device for a week in the Gustave Moreau Museum in Paris.

You can check the desktop templates of the app on Bubble.